Graphic Labels and Packaging

Package design has exponentially evolved into a work of art for the past years. Many companies are designing their products with rich graphics and in full color. Thanks to the advancement of the printing industry, printing in full color has never been cheaper. The changes in package design direction cannot only be based on cheaper printing but due also to growing competitions with fresher look in package design. It is a fact that deviation on package design is known to attract attention. Just imagine your product lined up with seemingly generic products or loud colored ones, how will your product stand-out. Package design is also crucial in attracting potential buyers to a few seconds of decision-making, it is your point-of-purchase billboard to one last time tell the buyer to pick your product.

Without much ado, I present some products who chose the approach of a loud, bold, different, graphical package design.

Limited Edition Orangina by Yuri Majic

Super K, W or Z (line of Schnapps) by Korefe

Malibu Pop & Street Art Series

Packaging People Tea Box by Carlo Giovani

Fuelosophy by Hatch

Izze Beverage Co®

Brickhouse Soaps by Dewey Howard


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